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Disconnect From the World

There is a great need for one needing to disconnect from social media. Looking up and appreciating the world around you helps inspire...

Social Media Tips

The industry of women empowerment is a movement that has been growing in the last few years. Here are some tips about #socialmedia for a...

Why YouTube is Important?

#YouTube is vital for a brand in the industry of promoting safety because YouTube is an excellent place for people to share reviews on...

The Future of Social Media

#Socialmedia takes up most of our everyday lives. Everyone sees the zombie teenagers who can’t look up from their phone as they walk to...

Social Media Safety

The #internet is relatively new and continuously changing. It can be a scary place for parents to let their children explore. It can also...

Customer Life Cycle Journey

In every business, there is a need for the #CustomerLifecycleJourney. It is an active process driven by a company's marketing and sales...

Brand Advocacy

Brand advocacy is when people advocate for your brand and tell their followers that they support your brand. In order to receive...


ROAR is a real-time location tracker that can notify your contacts where you are if you are in need of help. If one does not feel safe,...


SIREN is a piece of jewelry that lets out a high pitch alarm to ward off attackers. It is a simple ring that when the wearer twists the...

Ruger’s Tactical Stun Gun

One of the most basic things that women can buy are stun guns; however, lots of stun guns market impossibly high voltages and Ruger’s...

Undercover Colors

Undercover colors, which was originally a nail polish, is now a portable date rape drug test. It is a small round test that only takes...

Go Gaurded

Those who are active individuals usually go jogging. Jogging can be a dangerous activity for women in the city. Go Guarded is a...


Forget diamonds, jewelry that keeps you safe is girl’s best friend. Safelet is a bracelet that looks similar to a Fitbit. There is a...

Go Gaurded
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