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Social Media Tips

Updated: Apr 18, 2019

The industry of women empowerment is a movement that has been growing in the last few years. Here are some tips about #socialmedia for a start up brands in the industry.

1. Interact with Your Followers

Interacting with the followers you currently have can help you not only gain more followers but also encourage women to reach out to the brand with their stories. Stories are compelling and can influence change. Share these stories with the rest of your followers. Make sure your followers know that you are here, that you're listening, and that you care.

2. Storytelling with Each Post

Interview people who have a story to share about your industry. Maybe someone who has shared their #MeToo story. Telling stories engages audiences and makes them remember your posts. It catches their eye but keeps them intrigued. Don’t make the posts too long; followers want something short and sweet but filled with emotion.

3. Work with Micro-Influencers

Many people trust smaller influencers rather than ones with over 100,000+ followers. #Influencers with 10,000 or fewer followers tend to have a closer connection with their followers than those with thousands of followers. Influencers sharing your brand, or influencing their followers to read your blog, could help you create a closer connection to your followers.

4. Go Live

Going live can also improve one build their relationship with their followers. Reading questions out loud that your followers have asked and responding to them in real-time can help grow your brand.

5. Brand Advocates

Building a secure connection of different brand advocates can help build your brand. One should have lots of micro-influencers as well as a few influencers with many followers. Having both types of influencers assures that your brand reaches a broad audience.

6. Give your Followers Incentive

People like to play games and well as interact by taking part in polls. Make your pages interactive for your followers. Host mini contests that your followers can partake in, so they can win free products.

7. Target Audience

Know your target audience; this way you can make posts that are designed for them. Knowing one's #targetaudience can make all the difference in marketing. This way you can tailor the content you post to the audience you want to reach.

8. Schedule Posts

Making scheduled posts every day can improve your social media significantly. This way you do not have to be logged in every day but can still post on the daily. Scheduling posts can also make it easier for you to respond to messages because your posts are ready for the week.

9. Choose the Right Social Media Networks

FacebookThis network is ideal for businesses that want to generate leads and build relationships with their followers.

LinkedIn – This network is ideal for businesses that want to connect with other companies.

Twitter - This is for immediate responses and feedback from consumers and followers. Twitter is for target audiences that are under 50 and need answers to time-sensitive information, breaking news, announcements, and trending topics.

Pinterest – This site is perfect for sharing photos. This site is excellent for businesses that have a visual appeal, and it's great for product sales.

Snapchat – This network is perfect for businesses that offer promotions because of the content that you post expires in 24 hours. Snapchat is also for personalized content as well as exclusive access and building relationships via "behind the scenes" content.

YouTube – The video sharing platform is excellent for businesses that review products or promote other companies. This platform can also promote links to blogs and other websites.

10. Link to Your Other Social Media Profiles

Make sure that all your social media profiles and blogs are linked to one another. This way those who discover you on one social media platform, can then find you on all of them and receive all of the content that you are posting. Using this tactic can help build your cross-promotion strategy. So instead of posting the same content on all of your social media, you should post different content on all social media platforms.

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