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The Future of Social Media

Updated: Apr 18, 2019

#Socialmedia takes up most of our everyday lives. Everyone sees the zombie teenagers who can’t look up from their phone as they walk to class, but what does the future of social media look like? #Artificialintelligence is what most people think of when the word future is presented. Augmented and virtual reality is being worked on and will be available for everyone shortly. Will bots and new algorithms rule the internet? This blog will uncover precisely how the future might look.

Let's start with virtual reality. #Virtualreality is a new concept that gamers have taken over in the last ten years. Anyone can now go to the store and buy a virtual reality headset for a couple of hundred dollars. But what can one do in virtual reality? Currently, many games are available to play including a free virtual reality chatroom. VR Chat is where people can log on, pick an avatar, and then talk with people around the world. Soon, social media will consist of more of these “face to face” chatrooms rather than just text chats.

Augmented reality has already hit mainstream media in the form of Pokémon Go. This game where people can create an avatar and walk around in the real world and catch Pokémon with each other. You can team up to battle gyms as well as give gifts to each other. The reason this is augmented reality is that it overlays the virtual world onto the real world. One can hold up their phone while catching Pokémon and can see the Pokémon as if it were in the real world. The concept will soon take over social media because people will be able to have their avatar over themselves in real life.

Bots are currently having a negative connotation when it comes to social media but can be useful. Bots are parts of software-algorithms- that use artificial intelligence to gather information and interact with followers. #Bots can be used as virtual assistants. They can help run social media campaigns and automatically reply to followers.

Bad bots, however, can be used to hack people by gathering passwords, logging keystrokes, and stealing financial information. Bots can follow and comment on other users' content. While this may seem useful, they don't understand the context and can be programmed to share content that doesn't always reflect your brand. These bots hopefully in the future will be able to use artificial intelligence to be able to tell the context in posts.

The future of this new social media might seem far away, but in all reality, it’s right around the corner.

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