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Social Media Safety

Updated: Apr 18, 2019

The #internet is relatively new and continuously changing. It can be a scary place for parents to let their children explore. It can also be a scary place for adults to figure out. #Socialmedia is where people post and share their daily lives with their friends and family. This blog will teach you the in and outs of social media and how to stay safe.

Be careful of what you post! Being aware of what one posts is very important and is the number one thing to keep in mind. People often post where they attend school, their name, birthday, personal interests and it can be used to steal your identity. People can find out your passwords from the information you post, or even your security questions, which can help them change the passwords to your accounts.

Stay away from dangerous websites. Do not go to dangerous websites that are not approved by your anti-virus. These sites can easily download malware, spyware, and viruses onto your computer. These programs can search through your computer and retrieve personal information such as passwords, bank account information, tax documents, and more. Only visit websites you and your anti-virus trust.

Passwords are critically essential to protect when it comes to social media. The longer a password is, the more secure it will be. Make a password long and complicated. Use capital, lowercase, symbols, numbers, and special characters. Most websites that require an account will request one of each be in your password already. One should use a different password for each of your social media accounts. Using a different password will keep hackers from using the same password to hack into every account. Your email password should be the most robust password. If a hacker were to get into your email, they could reset every account you own, including your bank account.

Be careful about who you friend on social media. Only add friends and family that you know. One usually posts private photos and information about themselves. Many people post that they are going on vacation. Robbers will add people that are in their neighborhood on Facebook so they can see when they are going on vacation. Don't add anyone you don't know.

Overall, social media is a great tool to use to connect to friends and family. If one uses it wisely, then it can be a fantastic way to learn more about each other and stay in touch. But you want to make sure you’re using it the right way to stay safe.

Stay safe! And for anyone who needs to hear it, don’t forget to log out!

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