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Why YouTube is Important?

Updated: Apr 18, 2019

#YouTube is vital for a brand in the industry of promoting safety because YouTube is an excellent place for people to share reviews on products that help keep women safe. People who have bought products can review them on YouTube and spread awareness for the need for these products.

The platform has compensation for its creators, which is excellent for those who want to express themselves on the platform and make it their full-time job. One can now be a YouTuber or #contentcreator and make YouTube videos as a job. Because of the compensation that YouTube gives to its creators, high-quality content is made. High-Quality content then gets users engaged and brands involved in the process for sponsorship. The compensation also increases the loyalty to the platform which is why YouTube has been successful for so long.

The platform has a sense of community because of the way that it’s run. YouTubers hang out with each other at VidCon and people specifically pay money so that they can meet these famous people. A community is formed on this platform because of the creators who sell merchandise and users can enjoy hours of content.

YouTube can also be used for people to share their stories. Peoples' personal stories about victimization can help spread awareness for the problems in society. YouTube has around 1,800,000,000 active users. Because of all of the active users, this is an excellent opportunity for those to share their story and to go viral which then help promote a safer world to us to live. Sharing stories help call attention to the problems in our society.

YouTube is essential and will continue to grow throughout the years. YouTube should be included in a business' #socialmediastrategy because brands can find content creators who share the same values and become their sponsor. This takes away pressure from brands to create their own content, but still spreading awareness of their brand.

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